Book´s about ECCD

 The Twelve Who Survive. Strengthening Programming for Early Childhood Development in the Third World(1992) London:  Routledge, 1992, 450 pp. This book includes a Forward by Urie Bronfenbrenner and contains sections dealing  with: rationales for investing in ECCD; the search for conceptual clarity; programming options and examples of what might be done in practice; the need to combine child development program concerns across areas of social programming, sectors, with primary schooling, and with women´s work; the importance of involving people in partnership and at a community level; cultural differences in childrearing practices; costs and resource mobilization as well as the process of “going to scale ”; and conclusions about what needs to be done.  Citing 430 authors, the 468-page book constitutes a state of the dialogue and practice for ECCD in 1992. 

In 1993, The Twelve Who Survive was translated into Spanish as Los Doce que Sobreviven and published jointly by the Organización Panamericana de Salud and UNICEF.

 Toward a Fair Start for Children. (1993) Paris: UNESCO. 121 pp. This book-length document was originally prepared as a contribution to discussions at the 1990 World Summit for Children in 1990.  It was reprinted in English five times and was published subsequently by UNESCO in 13 languages.

(with Judith Evans and Ellen Ilfeld).  Early Childhood Counts. A Programming Guide on        Early Childhood Care for Development  (2000) 412 pp.  Washington, D.C.:  The World    Bank Institute.  The book is accompanied by a CD Rom containing writings by  many authors that support and elaborate on the topics taken up in the programming guide.  THE BOOK, BUT NOT THE CD ROM IS ACCESSIBLE.

(Con M.A. Delgado, J.F. Fernández, Adriana Martínez y Arcelia Martínez) Desarrollo Infantil Temprano en México. Diagnóstico y Recomendaciones(2013) 188 pp. Washington, D.C.: El Banco Interamericano, División de Protección Social y Salud.